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Guard yourself against carbon monoxide, the silent killer.

Posted on by alison

What is carbon monoxide?
-carbon moxide is a poisonous gas which can leak from your flue, cooking and heating apliances if they are poorly maintained or break down.
-It is a silent killer because it cannot be smelt, tasted or seen.

What can carbon monoxide do to me?
-In large quantities it can kill quickly or build up over a period of time causing flu like symptoms.

How can I protect myself?
-Ensure that your gas appliances are annually serviced and that your chimney is annually swept.

We recommend the carbon monoxide alarm, made by Honeywell. Why?
-It has a 6 year guarantee.
-Easy to install and use.
-Approved and kite marked.
-Continous self test function.
-Pre fitted batteries.
-No maintenance.
-No mains power.
-Suitable for domestic areas such as your home or caravan.

Completely FREE Honeywell wireless carbon monoxide alarm supplied and fitted with every new boiler installation by Aquaworks,booked in May 2012!

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